How to Surprise Your Partner on Valentine Day

Chocolates, gifts and flowers are what come to our mind when we talk or think of Valentine’s Day and rightly so because every celebration of love is incomplete without these heartwarming elements. February 14th is a special day of the year when couples all over the world, express their feelings and make their spouses feel truly special in every possible manner. If you have such a special person in your life without whom you feel incomplete, then this is best day for you to say so. You can convey your feelings in several ways and make this upcoming day one of the most romantic days of your life. Here are a few ideas that you can borrow to surprise your partner and recreate the magic of love all over again.


Recreate Your First Date

Reliving the memories of your first date with your partner can be one of the best ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day in 2017. You can create game wherein you and your partner go back in time to that day when you first met. You can be shy, talkative or ask the same questions all over again and even dress up like you did on your first date together or even have the same food. This can be real fun and interesting to recreate and relive those special moments akin to renewing wedding vows! However don’t forget to take Valentine Day Gifts along with you!

Make it a Day of Surprises


You can create a series of surprises all through the day and make it extremely exciting. Start right in the morning with a surprise breakfast in bed. You can leave love notes at different places like shoes, closet, steering wheel of the car, etc. and express your love. Like notes, you can also leave around small gifts that your partner accidentally discovers apart from sending over flowers and gifts. You simply need to think out of the box and you shall be flooded with ideas. You can also book a trip for two to a quick getaway near Hong Kong with the help of Zuji Coupon Code and create a unique surprise.

Pen a Few Lines


Even if you are not a poet, you can write a few lines for the love of your life. Simply jot down the emotions and you can end up with a few poetic lines that are truly romantic. You can either share these through an e-card that you can mail or write these with a lipstick on a mirror or even stick a note on it. Even if you are unable to write a poem, you can simply list out a few reasons you love your partner and hand it over as a gesture of love. Don’t forget to use a Reebonz Discount Code if you are planning to buy gifts for your partner this Valentine’s Day.

Go Live on Social Media


Each one of us is hooked to social media, so use this to your advantage on Valentine’s Day this year. You can express your love on any of these open forums and share exactly how you feel about your partner that can be a delightful surprise. You can either post a creative picture or even record a short video with your message and post it on your social media account and don’t forget to tag your partner!

Valentine’s Day is indeed special because it gives us the chance to tell our loved ones how important they are. Busy and hectic lifestyles do not spare us the time to do so despite our desire to do so. Remember that love has no limits and each one of us has a genuine way of expressing it. So gear up for this romantic day, plan and make the most of it this year as you experiment and express!

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